Shop online and add items to your shopping basket and checkout as normal. Choose Clearpay at the checkout as your payment method. Â Returning customers simply log in to make their purchase.
First-time customers will need to register with Clearpay and provide payment details.
A minimum & maximum purchase amount may apply.
Customers are required to make their first payment at the time of purchase, with the remaining three payments deducted every two weeks.
You can make additional payments before your scheduled pay dates through your Clearpay account.
Simply log in to your Clearpay account to view your payment schedule and make a payment before the due date if you so choose.
Late fees may apply if funds are not available or you do not make your payment when it is due.
For Clearpay terms Click here
Clearpay orders are delivered as per our standard shipping time frame after you complete your order online, dependent upon what delivery option has been chosen.
Visit our delivery page for more information.
There is a set spend limit on single transactions, also a minimum spend amount applies.
Our normal returns policy is applied to all Clearpay purchases.
See our Returns Policy here
Please do not return your purchase to Clearpay.
If you believe there is concern with your Clearpay purchase payment, please contact Clearpay customer support at info@Clearpay.co.uk.